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Sunday, October 9
Akon - Belly Dancer (Bananza)
Hip-Hop / This song provoked strong and opposing feelings in play new songs towers. I think everyone agrees that the lyrics aren't the most original that have ever been written:
Yo, excuse me, beg your pardon girl / Do you have any idea what you starting girl / You got me tingiling, come to me mingiling / Steppin off lookin bootylicious and jingiling
Now most of those aren't even real words. Apart from the petic license employed, the beats are incredibly infectious and that is what has made this song (and Akon) as huge as they are. You can listen to the full length song below and "shake your body like a belly dancer".
This MTV page contains links to all kinds of funky Akon junk.
Posted at 10/09/2005 11:39:00 AM | 0 comments